Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Musings for my Children and Others

Musings for my Children or Anyone Who Wants to Listen

I often ask the question; does this kind of relationship, this kind of love, this kind of passion, come to everyone? If not, why not and what have I done to deserve such an incomprehensibly valuable gift?

There is no doubt in my mind that it is not common, although I don’t doubt that many people know about it.

I guess, this is a similar scenario as why it is some of us are born into loving families, into prosperity, with good health etc, etc while a huge part of the world’s population are born into unhappiness, poverty, war, deprivation, bad health or handicapped in some way. Where is the logic, and who decides?

This rates with my persistent beef with God, as to how He allows the innocent, children, animals etc, to be at the mercy of uncaring, cruel and depraved humans. I realise that having this ‘beef’ is very courageous of me, just the idea of having a ‘beef’ with God, but I’m sure He knows my heart on this and realises the pain I feel when confronted with cruelty.

Paul says in the New Testament that now we see dimly, but THEN we will see clearly. So, nothing to do but be patient.

Now, where was I?

At the moment, I am completely obsessed with a Sting song ‘If I Ever Lose My Faith’, a song which I sing alternately to God and to Laurence. Well actually not to laurence's face, figuratively I mean. The sentiment is, that without faith, there is nothing for me. God, I have faith, is totally to be relied upon even though I don’t understand all that much about the way he works.

Laurence, I can say I have faith in because I know him so well. Ye ken what I mean? (The use of this Scottish idiom is my new fetish and helps me sense a connection with my past, so you’ll just have to put up with it.) I know him well and trust him to respond in a certain way.

Constancy, you see, is a very underestimated quality these days, but that doesn’t make it any the less valuable. Of course there are very bad kinds of constancy such as being cornered in a cruel, controlling relationship or stuck with something unpleasant ordisturbing in life, but that’s not what I’m talking about here.

Constancy of love, passion, devotion, trust and protection, is a precious thing to be treasured and appreciated. It is the product of a long, honest relationship and brings with a feeling of safety, something which appears to be a dwindling commodity in our modern society.

Well then, perhaps that is enough 'deepness' for today. Remember to be grateful.

1 comment:

ec said...

i hear you and put the hardness in life down to the fact God also gave us free will and as such can not interfer with that principle. i also agree with your thoughts on faith, without God i would have nothing. as it is i have everything, ben, timothy and rest of my wonderful family. ps brought a book on scotland for while there, will send it soon. love,e