Wednesday, October 3, 2007

More from Bathurst

Typing one-handed with Laurence’s ugg boot on my left hand to warm it (the hand, not the boot). And no, it doesn’t smell. Laurence has always had very civilised feet. Although as far as the rest of him being so civilised...

I arrived home and was parking the car in the garage when surprised to see two all waggling, all dancing beings with smiles on their faces. My comment to Laurence, “Do you want your tummy rubbed too?” He answered with such exuberance I thought his head might fall off. How can a person resist?

On an entirely different theme...

The time: 4 October, the Thursday morning before race weekend
The place: Aldi Supermarket

Speaking with a Dutch immigrant who loved living in Bathurst and had grave reservations as to our immigration policy and the fact that we are over-polulating a very arid country. She was also worried about certain cultures who were not integrating into our society.

My reply was that the Boss had everything in hand, but then she replied with an opinion that seems to be coming more common these days, although it has always been apparent, and that is that the Boss does not seem to be around and the world is deteriorating quickly.

The Boss not around?

We all want to see God doing something in the world, but I believe...

We are not here to see miracles, but to be miracles.

And yet another theme...(is this person versatile or what? - its a rhetorical question, so no comments please)

The pictures below, or above, I don't seem to be able to control where they go, are from our garden and our trip to the Oberon Daffodil Festival. Its beautiful up there at the moment, but can be dreadfully cold. Our friend's property had snow for more than 5 days.

On the way back we took a short cut which, to my dismay, quickly became dirt, although Laurence took it in his stride being the excellent driver he is. Don't you find good male drivers sexy?

Anyhow, you will see there is a picture of an echidna we saw wabbling across the dirt road and we stopped. I got out to make sure no-one came over the hill and squished him while he finished his trek. Laurence got his camera out and took a picture (below/above). Cute hey? He had his head buried so we couldn't see him. Aaaarh!

Ps He didn't really think we couldn't see him, he was protecting his most vulnerable part, his head. Who would want to go near those quills?

Pps The other photos are some more shots from England. This is very appropriate as I am at this moment listening to Land of Hope and Glory and span style="font-style:italic;">Jerusalem and Laurence saying what he always says when looking at his photos. "It would have been a nice shot without that person in it". What a dear. How much simpler the world would be without people in it to spoil his photos.

Ppps The photo of me on the bench reading was taken in the charming village of Kingston home of the very gorgeous, brilliant and charming Timothy (and his parents Ben and Eve).

1 comment:

ec said...

as for where God is there or not, people I think tend to forget that we have free will and with that there are restrictions on what God can and will do otherwise it wouldn't be free will would it. there are mircales everyday you just have to look around.